Envirofrenly clothes(Hemp)

People have been cultivating hemp longer than any other textile fiber. Hemp textile use goes back as far as 8000 B.C. when Hemp was first woven into fabric, eventually providing 80% of the world’s textiles. By 2700 B.C hemp textiles, as well as other medicinal uses for plant, were incorporated into a majority of the cultures in the Middle East, Asia minor, India, China, Japan, and Africa. Within the next 1000 years, hemp grew to be the worlds largest agricultural crop and provided for many important industries such as fiber for textiles and ropes, lamp oil for lighting, paper, medicine and food for humans and domesticated animals. All this comes as no surprise considering that hemp is the largest and strongest plant fiber, twice as strong as ubiquitous cotton. Because it is extremely abrasion and rot resistant, it was the primary source for canvas, sail, rope, as well as clothing, military uniforms, shoes, and baggage, until man-made fabrics were introduced. It fell out of popularity in the west as manmade materials slowly gained popularity. Though not as sustainable, they become the primary textiles as economical and political considerations were made by governments who wanted to promote industry. Hemp is the common name for plants of the entire genus Cannabis, although the term is often used to refer only to Cannabis strains cultivated for industrial (non-drug) use. Industrial hemp has many uses, including paper, textiles, biodegradable plastics, construction, health food, and fuel. It is one of the fastest growing biomasses known, and one of the earliest domesticated plants known. It also runs parallel with the "Green Future" objectives that are becoming increasingly popular. Hemp requires little to no pesticides, no herbicides, controls erosion of the topsoil, and produces oxygen. Furthermore, hemp can be used to replace many potentially harmful products, such as tree paper (the processing of which uses chlorine bleach, which results in the waste product polychlorinated dibensodioxins, popularly known as dioxins, which are carcinogenic, and contribute to deforestation), cosmetics, and plastics, most of which are petroleum-based and do not decompose easily. The strongest chemical needed to whiten the already light hemp paper is non-toxic hydrogen peroxide.

In another way. Generally, the hemp plant, scientifically known as Cannabis Sativa, is best known for three things: narcotics from its leaves, oil from its seeds, and white bast fiber from its stem. It is a self-sustaining weed that can grow in many climates, but a mild humid climate (such as that of Nepal’s hill regions) is the most suitable for fiber production. And because this plant has been around in Nepal for centuries, Nepali people have used it for all its purposes historically. For centuries, villagers have extracted fibers from both hemp and wild nettle plants to wave mats, sacks, bags, fishing nets, ropes, and carry straps. Communities that are days away from roads, have learned to rely on themselves to provide textiles, rather than relying on deliveries from outside.

The process for fiber extraction, the way it is done by hand in Nepal, is slow and involved. The plant is mainly harvested in august and then left out to dry. It is than soaked in water for several days. Afterward the plants fibrous portion is teased out, twisted, sun dried, beaten (to soften it), and spun. But that’s not the end of the process. After spinning, the thread is boiled with water and wood ash and, finally, washed many times. However, as laborious and time consuming as this process may be, the result is a crudely processed and rough material that, by todays standards, can not be used for clothes. Although today you will find scores of hemp goods dealers and exporters around kathamndu valley, using locally grown and processed hemp for their natural fiber clothes.

Hemp For Ecology -- Most of our basic raw materials used for home and industry today come from mining, drilling and cutting trees. Using farm crops to make the same products means that we can stop destroying our environment and still maintain our high standard of living. Hemp has thousands of commercial uses: food, clothing, shelter, paper, fuel, oils, sealants, etc.: Anything now made of wood or fossil fuel can be made more ecologically with hemp. Hemp is a hearty, drought resistant, soil building plant that is excellent in crop rotation. Hemp does not need heavy fertilization or pesticides: In fact, an organic pesticide is even made from hemp. It plays an important role in erosion control, reforestation, weed eradication, wildlife habitat and cleaning the air. Help restore hemp and ecological balance.

Hemp Instead of Fossil Fuels & Nuclear Power -- Hemp is one of the fastest growing plants known, and its pulp has cellulose. "Biomass" energy can replace nuclear power and fossil fuels, preserve our oil reserves and reduce the trade deficit with no nuclear radiation, strip mining, offshore drilling or oil spills. Hemp, processed with a pyrolitic converter, can meet our wide range of energy needs: charcoal for coal; methane gas for natural gas; methanol and gasoline for petroleum; etc. These are then burned to generate electricity. Using hemp and other crops along with trash and modern technology, The world can be energy self-sufficient. So long, OPEC and oil shortages!

Hemp Cleans Air -- Burning anything produces CO2 (the Greenhouse Gas). But every year during the growing season, plant photosynthesis turns that CO2 back into oxygen - so using hemp biofuels actually cleans the air. And, unlike fossil fuels, hemp does not contain sulfur, a major cause of acid rain.

Hemp Saves Trees -- Hemp farming could reduce deforestation by 50% or more worldwide. Over 70% of U.S. forests have been destroyed since 1937 to make pape, lumber, or for export. Today 93% of the world's paper is made from trees. In 1988 alone, 226 million tons of trees were pulped for paper. Yet paper made from hemp lasts much longer, uses only 10 to 20% of the toxic chemicals needed to process trees, and causes much less wear and tear on harvesting and hauling equipment. Each ton of paper made from hemp saves 12 mature trees. US Dept. of Agriculture studies show that sustainable hemp yields four times more pulp per acre than timber. Since it requires less bleach, hemp reduces dioxin pollution. Hemp can be made into fiber or particle boards to use for all types of mold making, construction and commercial fabrication.

Food & Vegetable Oil -- Hempseed, 30% oil by volume, is used for food, fuel or salad oil. Its oil quality equals whale oil and jojoba. Its protein can be flavored, texturized and used as a meat substitute. The hempseed is a source of complete protein that lowers cholesterol levels and builds the immune system. It is as nutritious as soya, but hempseed is more digestible, gives higher yields and is easier to harvest. Wild animals and birds thrive on it, so sowing hemp in deforested areas can help save the wildlife.

Hemp, Not Petro-plastic - Hemp pulp and fiber offer a biodegradable alternative to plastic for many uses. Hemp paper bags, for example, are more durable than tree pulp paper and can be reinforced with hemp fiber for all the folding and tensile strength of plastic bags. Hemp cellulose can also be polymerized to make any type of plastic product - without using petroleum.

Hemp for Soil & Water -- The plant's strong roots anchor and invigorate the soil to control erosion and mudslides. Hemp plants shed their leaves all through the growing season, adding rich organic matter to the topsoil tohelp retain moisture. Hemp is self-fertilizing and grows on the same ground for decades without the heavy fertilizers and pesticides that corn, cotton, tobacco and others need; and that now pollute 50% of our drinking water. Unlike fossil fuels, a hemp spill requires no cleanup; it even enriches the soil.

Hemp for the Future -- Some people mistakenly think hemp is no longer an economically viable crop. As you now know, hemp remains the most versatile and profitable crop on Earth. The legal penalties on using hemp now are just a pretext to confuse people and protect oil and timber companies from fair competition. This hurts countries both financially and environmentally. Please help correct this injustice.

Why not in Nepal to legalize to grow for better use of Hemp regarding to increase export and provide employment???
 Hemp is eco friendly plant. Hemp is sustainable, its versatile and it can provide jobs. Many entrepreneurs in Kathmandu valley are trying to advance it, and not just help for themselves. They see the potential of this “weed”, better hemp clothing febric, soap and other number of uses. Country like Nepal which is full of hills could be in better use planting hemp plants. This will directly help empowering manpower as well earning. The natural fibers industry in Nepal is not only a matter of business, but also matter of rural and economical development. Both hemp and nettle do not use up arable land, valuable in Nepals mountainous terrain where endless plains where food can be grown do not exist. If it is grown properly, hemp even can be extremely beneficial for soil structure because of its deep root system and production of biomass.

If hemp could be grown and processed on a larger scale right here in Nepal, it would provide desperately needed jobs and a source of income for villagers who have no options for work in their villages. That’s would be new Nepal you know. They way life just than will emerge.